Facial taping

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Cosmetic facial taping is a non-invasive procedure to get rid of the signs of aging. Appearance changes occur due to loss of skin turgor, weakening or spasms of mimic muscles.

Collagen and hyaluronic acid give young skin elasticity and firmness. Normally, a sufficient amount is produced by the body itself. With age, their synthesis slows down and the rate of decay increases. This leads to sagging skin.

Due to many years of active facial expressions, the facial muscles can remain in a spasmodic state and collect the skin into “folds”. The muscles of the lower part of the face, on the other hand, weaken and lose a firm contour.

Cosmetic taping helps to stop these processes and restore the normal functioning of tissues.

Facial taping technique

The taping effect is based on the fact that when its glued on the skin it shrinks a bit. The space under the skin increases, the pressure on the blood vessels decreases. Lymph and blood flow becomes freer. Stagnation is eliminated, and the nutrition of facial cells improves.

The effect of the tapes relaxes the muscles, straightens the grooves on the forehead and between the eyebrows, raises the overhanging upper eyelids, the corners of the lips, and the cheekbones are outlined.
Aesthetic taping is aimed at combating major age-related problems that impair appearance.

Effects and benefits of regular facial taping:

  smoothes wrinkles;
  removes sagging skin;
  tightens, creates a clear oval face;
  removes the second chin;
  reduces swelling;
  improves microcirculation and cell nutrition;
  accelerates skin regeneration.

Indications and contraindications

Taping is a preventive method that helps eliminate existing imperfections and problems on the face:

  small, medium wrinkles on the face, neck;
  ptosis, loss of clarity of facial contours;
  swelling, overhang of the upper eyelid.

Contraindications include:

  ENT diseases,
  paralysis, inflammation of the facial nerves;
  tape allergies;
  skin damage, inflammation, neoplasms;
  exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Advantages of cosmetic facial taping:

Low price, availability of tapes.
Easy to do: The gluing of the strips does not require the help of an expert, it can be done at home. However, it is still recommended to obtain an initial consultation from a cosmetologist or kinesio specialist.
Non-invasive. It is best suited for those who do not want or are afraid of injectable rejuvenation, plastic surgery.
Painlessness. Properly applied tape does not cause discomfort, pain. The muscles, on the other hand, relax, reducing the feeling of tension in the cheekbones, jaws, forehead, behind the ears.

The combination of available care methods – peeling, biorevitalization, massage, taping – brings the best result that will help maintain a healthier and younger appearance.

Price list

  Face taping: 300,- CZK
  Body taping: 400,- CZK